Report Originally published 29 Jul 2021
A new report from Bond, ‘Nature-based Solutions in Action: Lessons from the Frontline’, does exactly this – it showcases 13 high-quality NbS in action across the world, and how they are improving lives, benefiting the environment and driving climate action.
From a Farmers’ Seed Network in China that supports agroecology by conserving traditional seeds, to large-scale watershed management in glacial mountain ecosystems in Peru, and to managing flood-risk in the UK, the report highlights successful NbS across a wide range of contexts. And it outlines key success factors across those case studies that are important building blocks for high-quality NbS.
Nature-based Solutions (NbS) have the power to tackle biodiversity loss, climate change and poverty in an integrated way, so their appeal to governments, businesses and civil society groups is understandable. If done well, Nature-based solutions could hold the key to cost-effective ways of protecting, sustainably managing, and restoring ecosystems, while at the same time addressing societal challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and poverty and inequality. However, they have to be good for people – particularly those who are marginalised and indigenous people and local communities. This report highlights successful NbS across a wide range of contexts. The report was developed by members of the CAN-UK Nature-based Solutions Working Group (formerly the Bond Development and Environment Group) and includes case studies from Care International, Excellent Development, Farm Africa, Farmers' Seed Network(China), IBIS Rice Conservation Co., the International Institute for Environment and Development, Plan International, Practical Action, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Tree Aid, World Vision UK, and WWF.
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